Maintaining effort in spite of challenges
College is not going to be easy. There will likely be many times when a course challenges you with concepts you’ve never encountered before. Managing a schedule that could include courses, work, and lots of other things will be a significant challenge. This is completely ok! Every student deals with these issues at one point or another.
What is vitally important is how you respond in those situations. Maintaining your effort and commitment to your goals will be an immense help, as will other factors discussed on this assessment (such as reaching out for help). While there are many resources that can help you in these difficult times, what’s most important is that you keep pushing forward toward your goals.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is to always try just one more time.
Thomas Edison
How can I improve my Persistence?
Resources at Western Carolina​
The Writing and Learning Commons (WaLC) and Mathematics Tutoring Center (MTC) provides peer-facilitated tutoring sessions to support student learning and achieve academic success.
The Office of Student Retention implements targeted advising interventions for students in need of additional support to be successful and connects them with campus resources.
Online Resources
When we run into challenges, it can be helpful to remind ourselves of our values - what’s centrally important to us as individuals. Try one of the values exercises below to create a list of your own values: